Question: 1 / 50

What does disinfecting accomplish?

Removes visible dirt

Kills all microbial life

Kills most bacteria but not all

Disinfecting is a process which involves using chemicals to destroy or inactivate harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Option A, removing visible dirt, is incorrect because it is referring to cleaning, which is the physical process of removing dirt and debris from a surface. Option B is not entirely accurate because there are some resilient microorganisms, such as bacterial endospores, that may not be killed by disinfectants. Option D is also incorrect because disinfectants may not be effective against all types of viruses, including the ones listed. Option C is the most accurate and comprehensive answer as it acknowledges the capability of disinfecting to eliminate most, but not all, types of bacteria.

Effective against HIV, tuberculosis, and hepatitis


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